Monday, October 4, 2010

Mondrian OLAP Engine

Mondrian is an OLAP engine written in Java. It executes queries written in the MDX language, reading data from a relational database (RDBMS), and presents the results in a multidimensional format via a Java API


Reference : ""

Deploy and run the web application with a non-embedded database

1. Install Tomcat (version 5.0.25 or later).
2. From the unzipped binary release, explode lib/mondrian.war to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian
3. Create or open the file in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian and customize the mondrian.jdbcDrivers properties for the database you set up from the instructions above.
4. Open the web.xml file in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF and customize the two connect strings there to the same database parameters for the FoodMart database you installed as per the above instructions. That is,




Database compatibility

Mondrian is known to run on the following databases.

  1. Apache Derby (formerly known as Cloudscape)
  2. Firebird
  3. Greenplum
  4. HP Neoview
  5. Hypersonic (also known as hsqldb)
  6. IBM DB2
  7. Infobright
  8. Informix
  9. Ingres
  10. Interbase
  11. LucidDB
  12. Microsoft Access
  13. Microsoft SQL Server
  14. MySQL
  15. Netezza
  16. Oracle
  17. PostgreSQL (also known as Postgres)
  18. Sybase
  19. Teradata

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